September 11, 2008

On the Move

We went to the Foster Care Work Shop last night. Basically what that was, is time for them to explain to you how to complete the Foster Care Application. They also answered a few questions for people about the medical / dental insurance for the children, while they are foster kids. We have to get finger printed and have a background clearance (again) because it is in a different department. We have to complete, yet again, another application (all the same information as the adoption stuff) and provide health clearance.. luckily, most of this stuff has already been provided to the adoptions department, and I made copies, so we can just pull those copies and put them with the application.

Once we get all the requested information and the application completed, we can call to schedule an appointment to turn in the app and get finger printed. Once this is done, (the day we turn in the app) the state has 90 days to get us licensed. I am so glad the state puts a time frame on that. The Social Workers HAVE to have everything complete and our licensed processed within 90 days!!

So, I will be gone this weekend. When I get back, we will work together to complete the application and get it turned in. We still have to complete the first aid course, but that does not have to be done before the licensed is issued.. just before the children can be placed in our home (we will get it done right away).

What does this mean? This means that if we turn in the application (lets just say) Sept 22nd then we will be licensed NO later than December 21st.

I will keep you posted and let you know when the application has been officially turned in.


Anonymous said...

Kristi & Danny I am more excited about this then you are (BELIVE ME) I see a grandchild in our reach...we are so close now after well over a year of this process....Conratulations ONCE AGAIN...We Love YOU BOTH... MOM & DAD

Shane & Marie said...

That would be an awesome christmas present!

RMZeppenfeldtfam said...

well, that is fantastic!! good to hear also that the state puts a deadline on the social worker. Good job on keeping all your copies too, that will save you guys some time on the app again.
wow, such excitement... you both are closer now than ever before! can't wait! YAY!!!!
much love...

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh...wouldn't it be the greatest thing if you got a call immediately after you were licensed. That would be the best christmas miracle ever!!! We are soooo looking forward to having family night and playdates with you guys. Love you!

Kelly said...

I am glad things are moving again. Hope things happen even faster than they "have" to. If your county really needs foster parents then they will probably lisence you quickly for foster care. Glad for you in your good news. Keep truckin' :)