September 17, 2008

Application turned in...

We had our appointment today to turn in our application and get our final fingerprinting done. Everything went so smooth. She checked everything off that was supposed to be there and said, "ok, it looks like everything is good to go". Now we wait for them to assign us our Foster Care licensing worker. She will contact us within 30 days to schedule the home visit. They will come out and inspect our home to make sure it is safe for children, as well as have us fill out MORE paperwork. Once everything is approved she will issue our license. Then we are turned back over to our adoptions worker who will then come and visit our home, then the matching process begins.

Can this be real? Can we possibly be getting close to becoming the family we dream about?


Anonymous said...

YES, it is real and your/we are going to have a larger family..and Most of all YOUR going to be Parents....So do the HAPPY DANCE you so deserve it.....
Mom & Dad

Jenn Davis said...

You are getting SOOOO close honey!!!

Anonymous said...

(pinch pinch) No, you aren't dreaming...this is REAL. You guys are in the home stretch. A huge celebration is right around the corner love!! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you get your house ready. You know how handy B (and me) is. We would be happy to lend a hand. Love u!