May 15, 2008

Left a Message

Well, it has been 30 days and still no call from the Social Worker. I called yesterday evening and left her a message. Hope to hear something soon. I really hope I can post the news about our first homestudy visit soon.

Congratulations to Monica (my mother in-laws friend). She started the adoption process only a couple weeks before we did (with Orange County) and she finished her homestudy and got a call right away for a 2 year old little boy. They had two 4 hour visits with him, and now he is living with them. Only a few days later, they received another call for a 7 month old little girl.. but one is all they are ready for at this time... I am so happy for them and can only hope that we get a call that quickly.


Miapia17 said...

I'm sure you will get a call quickly too!! Everything happens for a might get sibling together : ) Its about to happen...sooner than you think, and we can't wait to share this special time with you all.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.