May 16, 2008

Got the Call!

Yay, we finally got the call from our Social Worker. We have our first meeting with her on Thursday May 22nd. We will have our first meeting at her office and will turn in our paperwork (copies of our birth certificates, marriage licence etc..) and she will discuss with us the process and time lines from this point forward. She will also be giving us our referral for the Bridge Builders Classes, which are the Adoption Classes". I am so excited to hear from her, and to finally be moving forward! I will post again after the meeting to let you know how it went!

Any suggestions on questions I should be asking her?


Miapia17 said...

WOOO HOOOO!! see! things are REALLY happening now. I feel like its me about to go see her. I'm so excited!!! I would ask her exactly what happens from here (including the Adopton classes) what you should expect, and if there is anything else that you two need to have ready for when the time comes that you get a call for a child(children). I would also ask her, what you can do, if anything, to help this process keep moving along good. Another little idea, (being she is the social worker) is showing her all the time you have spent recently with children. Pictures with Your niece, family memebers, friends kids..etc. So she sees that herself. If someone could write a letter saying what a great job you both do with their kids, I think would mean a lot too!! Just a thought.
Can't wait for some more good news, keep us posted Buckleys!
lots of love..

Anonymous said...

This is so great! Things are going to start moving along so quickly for you guys. I can just feel it. Pretty soon barry and danny will be having those daddy bonding moments with their kids at the park. hehe Your social worker is going to see, just like every one else see's, how commited and dedicated you are to starting your family and giving someone a wonderful home. I can't wait to hear the next update. Love you guys!

Shane & Marie said...

What wonderful news! The 22nd is right around the corner. I am glad things are finally starting to move for you. You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

that's way too cool.

Unknown said...

Do you have a bassinet? I just thought the baby would feel more snuggled..The crib looks so big and empty...Do you want to meet?

Anonymous said...

My email address for this blog is my mom's please contact me at cafemom..Thanks