December 3, 2008


OK, so I talked to the licensing worker today and she said that not only does she have all the paper work that she needs but we scheduled our last interview with her for December 10th. This interview will be with both of us (Danny and I) and she will be asking questions that her superior will want answered. Then she will write up the report and turn it into her superior for approval. Once the approval is issued (however long it takes the superior to review the file) then she will schedule our home inspection FINALLY. Once the home inspection is complete, they will submit our file to the state to issue our license.. then we are officially on the waiting list to be matched with our forever child(ren).

I don't know if you can sense my excitement via this post, but let me just tell you.... I am so excited. I finally feel like Something positive is happening and we are going to be licensed soon!

I will tell you about the interview once it happens.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I love to hear positive updates on your adoption journey. Good news for the holidays!

Anonymous said...

CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY FOR YOU!!!! Yay! I am sooooo excited for you guys! I told you 2009 is gonna be your year!!!! WOOOO HOOO!!!! (doing my happy dance) Love you guys!

RMZeppenfeldtfam said...

thats FANTASTIC news!! what a way to greet the holiday season! Trust me, we can totally sense your excitement!! : ) hope you can sense ours too.
Congrats to you both!!!! Can't wait to hear about the LAST interview.

Much Love!<3

Shane & Marie said...

Who Hoo! You are almost there!

ash said...

it's about time! we'll have to do coffee and catch up on everything when you get a chance. it's been forever since we talked. i think about you every time i cut through your neighborhood. (every week at least ;) ). our kids are getting crazy big and you wouldn't even recognize the baby!

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting with bated breath... What's the dealio?? Love u tons!