November 3, 2008

November: Adoption Awareness Month

Adoption Month History

The first major effort to promote awareness of the need for adoptive families for children in the foster care system occurred in Massachusetts. In 1976, then-Governor Mike Dukakis proclaimed Adoption Week and the idea grew in popularity and spread throughout the nation. President Gerald Ford made the first National Adoption Week proclamation, and in 1990, the week was expanded to a month due to the number of states participating and the number of events. During the month, states, communities, public and private organizations, businesses, families, and individuals celebrate adoption as a positive way to build families. Across the nation, activities and observances such as recognition dinners, public awareness and recruitment campaigns, and special events spotlight the needs of children who need permanent families. It also includes National Adoption Day, traditionally a Saturday, which is observed in courthouses across the nation as hundreds of adoptions are finalized simultaneously.

Why adopt?

Available children range in age from newborns to adolescents, with many children who are school aged, part of a sibling group, members of ethnic minorities and some children having special developmental, medical, or emotional needs, are especially wishing for permanent families to love them.

* Adopting is a unique way to make a difference to a child or young person’s life
* You will be giving a child or young person the opportunity to belong and be part of a stable family life
* It will be a challenging, rewarding and worthwhile experience
* You will have the pleasure of seeing a child or young person develop confidence in themselves
* You can provide the opportunity to give a child or young person the best possible start in life
* Because you have the strength to do so - to be a good parent.
* Because you have love enough to give, and then some.
* Because you will grow in spirit.
* Because your love and support for a child will help them grow up to be someone very special - anything they want to be in this world - and you will be so very proud as their mom or dad.
* Because they need you just as much as you need them.

Adoption is not about the biological child you can't have, not about wanting children or not having enough children. It's not about the family you could not have because you never married. It is about choices and options.

Adoption is about joining lives together in very special ways. There's an element of fate, and a leap of faith involved. It needs to feel right in your stomach, but give you flutters in your heart. Adoption is not a ready fix for problems you have personally or interpersonally. It will not resolve marital strife nor gain you a spouse/partner if you are single. Adding a child to your life is not cost effective, but priceless. It is not timeless, but time-consuming. It is about unquestionable dedication, endless responsibility, and undying love!


jessica said...

Good luck with your adoption!