April 3, 2008

Practice ....

Danny and I agreed to babysit our friends kids for a couple hours on Wednesday night. Nate is 4 and Luke is 20 months. Being that we are hoping for two children under the age of 5, there is a great possibility that this is the age range we will end up with, so we figured it would be great practice. The kids were great, and very well behaved. Although it was a lot of work and they kept us very busy, we have to understand that these children have had proper parenting for their entire lives, and the children we are blessed with, will most likely have had very limited parenting.. so it opened our eyes (a little bit) as to what we should expect.

I have always been around young children and was prepared for the fun night... Danny was really great with them and had a good time as well, although he disappeared into the bedroom a couple of times, for a short break and to catch up on the Celtics game and the Angels game...(since of course we were watching Aladdin) I thought that was kinda funny.


Anonymous said...

The photos are so cute. You guys will be great parents. If you want to practice with Sophia as well just let us know! hehe :-)

Love you all! crystal, barry and sophia

Anonymous said...

You to look so cute with them boys...The futer is longing for parents like you....I think this should be done at least once a week until the day comes that you have your very own...hehhe
Love you both so much, Mom

RMZeppenfeldtfam said...

you both look like you are having a good time! naturals. You will be amazing parents!!
If want more practice, you have another two little ones available here too..lol.

Love you guys!!
The Zeppenfeldt's.