April 18, 2008

The Letter

Ok, so we received the letter in the mail... The letter means hardly nothing, but to me it was like a milestone! I feel like ok, it's official! It confirmed that they received the application and told us that we have been assigned our Social Worker. her name is Kristen, yay! She is supposed to contact us within the next 30 days to schedule the homestudy. We will be going soon to get our fingerprints done, for the background check. We only have 2 PRIDE classes left (the last one is just a pot luck, so 1 & 1/2, hehe)

A little venting... We have Time Warner Cable - the combo pack with the cable, phone and Internet... and our service has been down off and on in the last couple weeks. I told Danny yesterday, I am over this. I want to switch back to Verizon.. Don't these people know we are waiting on a VERY important phone call? Grrr, what if she tried/tries calling one day when the service is down.. does that mean we will go to the bottom of her pile? NOOOO. We can't take that chance.


Shane & Marie said...

To most that paper won't mean nothing, but it's a huge milestone for you both. That means the homestudy will be starting soon and you will be one step closer.