October 22, 2007

Picnic Results

Well, Not so much luck with the picnic. Yes we were disappointed. We drove all the way to San Diego and drove all around the park which is all the way around Mission Bay, and never found the picnic/carnival. We saw plenty of signs for B-day Parties and Company Picnics etc....but nothing for Adoption Options. We tried calling the Agency to see exactly where they were supposed to be set up and, of course they were closed for the picnic...Oh well.


Hannah,Glenn& Ali said...

Hey Guys!!
We am sorry the picnic didn't pan out as hoped! We're so thrilled that you two are trying with all your hearts to become parents... just know you'll be great!! We will keep you in our prayers!!
OHHHH I think I'm way more excited than Glenn (he's happy for you) Ya' know how guys are...I think chicks are just so much more in touch w/their excitement!!! Yippee!!
Big Big Hugs,
Hannah, Glenn & Ali
(but mainly Ali)
Ps. LOVE the blog! You really answered alot of Q's that were popping into my little head! Thanks!! xoxoxo